
In depth analysis of the organization

The aim is to discover the culture and functioning values of the organization. The strengths of the organization are in the focus of the investigation, but the risks are also discovered and inferences of the weaknesses are drawn.


The aim is to discover the organizational culture and the functioning values of the organization. The dominant methodology is in depth interview, focus group and storytelling group, where the predominant topics giving life to the organization come to the surface. It focuses on what the topics members of the organization talk about are, and what is equally important, what the topics members of the organization fail to talk about are. The analysis brings to the surface the deep structure of the organization, or to borrow Edgar Schein’s metaphor, the underwater part of the iceberg, which is, although in an indirect way, fundamental in determining the functioning of the organization. The Appreciative Inquiry approach is followed, that is, our focus is on the strengths of the organization, but at the same time the risks and weaknesses are uncovered, as well.


Targeted organizations:Micro, small medium and large organizations in the private and public sector
Time:subject of negotiation
Participants:managers and staff from different organizational units/departments and different levels of the organization. the more diverse the composition of the group is, the better the process.
Suggested venue:company premises
Language:english or hungarian
Ár:according to specific price offer