
About us

Katalin Pallai

  • I have 30 years of experience in consulting and educating leaders and leading organizational development, multi-stakeholder strategy and conflict management processes.
  • I have worked in 15 countries serving international organizations like United Nations, European Commission, Council of Europe, World Bank, UNODC, UNDP, IACA, bilateral donors and local organizations.
  • In Hungary, I was a lead expert in the development of the public integrity system, the awareness raising to integrity, the curricula development for theaching integrity for civil servants and for the education of integrity advisors.
  • I am also a qualified educator, competent in a wide variety of teaching methods and I am always committed to establish an engaged learning environment. When appropriate, I use experiential and transformative education methods for achieving lasting impact on participants’ knowledge, attitude and behaviour.
  • I design and teach courses on leadership, public and corporate ethics and integrity management, change management, inter-cultural management, negotiation, consensus building and conflict management.
  • Currently, I am a key expert in the Leadership Academy Program of the Council of Europe and a regular lecturer at the International Anticorruption Academy as well as a freelancing consultant and trainer.
  • My strengths are: advising and educating leaders, teaching and consulting ethics and integrity management, leading multi-stakeholder negotiation, planning and work processes, design and facilitation of learning processes.

Istvan Siklaki

  • I have many decades of experience at  university level education in social psychology, organizational psychology and communication.
  • I also have long experience in organizational development serving clients like the Hungarian Opera, E.on and Lidl.
  • I have multi-year experience in public integrity education and I have actively participated in the elaboration of the curriculum for the education of integrity advisors in Hungary and lectured at the International Anticorruption Academy.
  • I designed and trained courses on communication and persuasion for Nokia, The Hungarian Post. EPAM, Westel, Kürt Academy, Big Five Academy, Vodafon and Sanofi.
  • I have taught within the Coach Development Program at the Budapest Technical College and Kürt Academy (with Mérő László, Baracskay Zoltán, Nahalka István and Velencei Jolán).