
Business and Professional Ethics Training

Participants get aquinted with the role of ethics in businesses and professional activities, with pertinent ethical principles, and with ethical decision-making methods. The experience collected during the training help participants make the right decisions in difficult situations, act with integrity and come up with applicable strategies even in difficult ethical dilemma situations. An additional benefit of the training is that through the dialogue on ethics, mutual understanding, deeper relations and trust emerge among group members that also supports the organization by an effective team building impact.


Employees’ education on professional and business ethics is essential for running an ethical organization and applying ethical business practices. The ethics training is an effective tool to strengthen compliance and trust within the organization, and to decrease the risk of corruption. During the training, participants get aquinted with the principles of professional and business ethics, with the cornerstones of ethical reflections, and learn to apply the princples by taking part in ethical discussions and by solving ethical dilemma situations.

When the organization already has a Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct, the training builds a deeper understanding on the texts and on how staff should apply the princples and rules in every day practice. Participants can practice ethical decision-making in a protected environment, and with professional guidenace. The dialogue among trainees and trainers, the shared reflection and emerging ideas and solutions result in the unfolding of shared ideas about right behaviour and mutual assumptions that others will also behave ethically, thus, they build trust among participants and in the organization. This mutual trust is a strong foundation for the culture of integrity and for a healthy climate.

By the end of the program participants:

  • will have learnt the principles of professional and business ethics and methods to ethical reflection and reasoning
  • will have learnt to apply the principles and rules of the Code of Ethics and Conduct
  • will have learnt to apply methods to decision-making in ethical dilemma situations
  • trust in the organization and collegues will have become stronger and assumptions more positive.


Targeted organizations:Micro, small medium and large organizations in the private and public sector, közigazgatási szervezet
Time:1 day
Participants:senior management, midlevel managers, staff members
Suggested venue:company premises or external venue
Language:english or hungarian
Ár:according to specific price offer